"With OPTIMism
  in the heart"

Concept of the project
Concept of the project

Russian aggression in Ukraine has broken the lives of millions of Ukrainians, most of whom are children. They spend the day and night in bomb shelters, are evacuated and forced to leave their homes. Ukrainian children have been deprived of their basic rights, including the right for education.

Optima is the first and the largest distance learning school in Ukraine. We refuse to recognize the invaders as the least opportunity to deprive our children of education and access to knowledge. So we decided to continue our work and provide the educational package "With optimism in the heart" to every Ukrainian family free of charge. This activity is coordinated with Ukrainian educational authorities.

So we kindly ask you to help us with a charitable contribution. Such help will allow us to provide troubleproof school functioning, its technical and pedagogical support, so that Ukrainian children who suffer from a brutal war that has no excuse, will be able to continue their studies under the Ukrainian program.

You can send money directly to Optima accounts in Ukraine

Registration for the free package "With OPTIMism in the heart" is carried out at the link

Online counter
Children who are already studying for free
The total amount of charitable donations raised
102 280
500 826 EUR
Partners of Optima
The Providence Country Day School
Hudson Global Scholars
Про Оптіму
About "Optima"

"Optima" is the first distance school in Ukraine in terms of the year of establishment, the number of students, and the quality of educational materials.

The child can receive a high-quality secondary education remotely with the school "Optima" regardless of the country of residence. All you need is a computer or laptop and access to the Internet.

Studying remotely is easy, convenient, and effective!

Educational materials in "Optima" are copyright materials that keep children's attention throughout the entire learning process. The lessons include interactive educational games, a large amount of video and audio content, animations, 3D models.

"Optima" creates unique educational content, which fully meets the educational programs approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Students receive all state educational certificates and documents as children in full-time schools.

Learn remotely! Study with "Optima"!

"Optima" – who we are?
Maria Miletska
Maria Miletska
Roberts Vaishla
Roberts Vaishla
7 years of experience
Professional team - 200 people
3000 graduates
40th place in the 200 best schools of Ukraine according to the results of ZNO-2021
Fully accredited school
Approved in Ukraine
Approved in Ukraine
You can read the endorsement letter from President of Ukraine’ s office here
Accounts info

You can send money directly to Optima accounts in Ukraine

EUR Payment details: 


Recipient’s address: Recipient’s address: boulevard Ivana Lepse, 81, kv.32, Kyiv, 03126 Ukraine

Account number, EUR: UA703052990000026002016209807


Bank address: 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE

Swift code: PBANUA2X

Correspondent banks

Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401

SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: COBADEFF

Correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Or -----------------------------------------------------------

Account in the correspondent bank: 6231605145

SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: CHASDEFX


Purpose of payment: non - repayable financial assistance for "CENTR OSVITY "OPTIMA" LLC

USD Payment details: 


Recipient’s address: Recipient’s address: boulevard Ivana Lepse, 81, kv.32, Kyiv, 03126 Ukraine

Account number, USD: UA873052990000026007026219440


Bank address: 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE

Swift code: PBANUA2X

Correspondent banks

Account in the correspondent bank: 001-1-000080

SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: CHASUS33

Correspondent bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA

Or ---------------------------------------------------

Account in the correspondent bank: 890-0085-754

SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: IRVT US 3N

Correspondent bank: The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA

Purpose of payment: non - repayable financial assistance for "CENTR OSVITY "OPTIMA" LLC

Partners and special thanks
Amazon Web Services
Bosch Stiftung
Alliance 4 Ukraine
Egidius Braun
Deutsches Stiftungszentrum
Gavin McLean
Tomasz Olejnik
Przemek Szuder
Dirk Zorn
Vincent Steinl
Alina Ostkamp
Gabriele Hartmann
Alexandra van der Ploeg
For partnerships with the project and project coordination
Yuriy Balkin (yiuriyb@optima.school)
For queries how the project gives value for children
Tatiana Kravchenko (tetyanakr@optima.school)
If you are charitable foundation and interested to specially contribute
Yaroslava Prylypko (yaroslavap@optima.school)
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